IOS Calicut Chapter hosts Talk on Geopolitics

28 September 2019 at Calicut

Calicut: The Calicut Chapter of the Institute organised a talk on September 28, 2019 on Politics and Geopolitics by Mr. Ahmad Shabeeb, a researcher engaged in the study of geography as one important factor in the rise and fall of nations and societies.

In the well-argued presentation Mr. Shabeeb detailed the effects of geography on international politics and internationalrelations.Although the English geographer, Halford Mackinder pioneered the study of the relationship between geography and politics, it was the Swedish political scientist Rudolf Kjellen, who coined the term “Geopolitics” at the beginning of the 20th century, he said. Mackinder advocated the Heartland Theory. The Heartland area stretches from Volga to Yangtze rivers and from the Himalayas to the Arctic. In his book, Democratic Ideals and Reality (1919), Mackinder wrote: “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland, who rules Heartland commands the World Island, who rules World Island commands the World” he added.

Global dominance of the Super Powers was actually a result of theirnaval dominance. The American naval captain, Alfred Thayer Mahan, in his book “The influence of Sea Power upon History” wrote “Whoever rules the waves, rules the world". He used history to demonstrate his theories and gave a greater emphasis on strategic locations such as choke points in the world map. Mahan argued that US should become a sea power by building many ships and improving its naval capabilities by forging alliances and partnerships.

The melting of Arctic ice is an example of how the change in geography leads to the change in the fate of the nations.Melting of ice makes the resource exploitation easier in the region which has nearly 22% of world’s oil and gas. Also, two new shipping routes, North East Passage and North West Passage will be open after a few years if the melting continues at this rate. It will redraw the global maritime trading routes. Considering all these factors, we can say that geography will continue to decide the destiny of mankind in the coming decades and centuries.

Mr. Shabeeb answered many questions from the audience.

Mr. A. Abdul Vahab, the chapter secretary, welcomed the audience, and Prof. P. Koya the coordinator, presided over the session.

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