IOS hosts Iftaar Program

IOS hosts Iftaar Program

New Delhi, April 28, 2022: An Iftaar program, followed by dinner, was hosted by the Institute of Objective Studies for its staff members in the conference hall of the Institute yesterday. It was joined by the staff of All India Milli Council, Ta’awun Trust and Feature and News Alliance (FANA), besides the Chairman of the IOS, Dr. M. Manzoor Alam, General Secretary, Prof. Z.M. Khan and Finance Secretary, Mohammad Alam.

Before the break of the day’s fast, Maulana Abdullah Tariq, in his brief address, explained the importance of charity (Zakah) and Sadqat-ul-Fitr. He said that every Muslim whose income is liable for Zakah must pay the amount, preferably during the lunar year. Sadqat-ul-Fitr must be paid before the Eid-ul-Fitr prayer. The month of Ramadan offered an opportunity to each and every faithful to submit to the will of Allah and supplicate for His forgiveness for the sins committed before and after. This was also the month of redemption from the Fire of Hell. He held that the month-long fasting and prayers purified the soul and brought one closer to Allah. Every prayer during the month was answered by Him. At the end of the address, dua was offered for peace in the world and the well-being of the Ummah.


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