IOS organises Consultative Meeting on Waqf Amendment Bill-2024

IOS organises Consultative Meeting on Waqf Amendment Bill-2024

New Delhi: Main points of the proceedings of the IOS Consultative Meeting on “Waqf Amendment Bill, 2024” held on August 25, 2024 at Board Room, The Constitution Club of India, Rafi Marg, New Delhi. The following observations were made by the participants of the meeting:

Mr. K. Rahman Khan, the Ex-Union Minister of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India 

  • The Waqf Amendment Bill, 2024 is before the Joint Parliamentary Committee. We can discuss the Bill clause by clause.
  • The change in the name of the Bill is unnecessary. What is logical in it?
  • The change in the name of the Bill is sought to dismantle the entity of Waqf.
  • The new nomenclature of the Waqf be released.
  • Now the common man will be unable to comprehend what the Waqf is.
  • There is no unified approach to the issue.
  • No provision as the how the Waqf property will be developed.
  • Attempt to sub-divide categories. I have taken Aghakhani and Bohra Communities. There is a question of viability. A member of that community can be accommodated. This was not done for the last 10 years. There is the concentration of that community in Surat. There is no operational board for Shias. There are no boards for them in states other than Gujarat.
  • Under Section-3 of the proposed law, no Mutawalli will be appointed verbally. The board will not appoint him verbally.
  • In Chennai, there is a mosque where no record of its existence is available. Waqf means dedication of a asset for the pleasure of Allah.
  • This Act is mischievous.
  • All the questions arising out of the Act must be put to the BJP members.
  • Draft the amendment to the Act. Accounts and Audit is not opposed.
  • Why the Masjid, Dargah, Khanaqah, Qabristan be used by other communities than Muslims?
  • Fully concentrate on the bill because we have no or little time.
  • Earlier, laws were used to be made by consensus. But, placed in the new situation, we have to face the challenge.
  • Some non-Muslims have also created waqf.
  • Reject the Amendment in the present form.
  • Creation of Alal Aulad Waqfs.
  • Our legal system is flawed.
  • Instead of the government, Muslims should have control over Waqf.
  • Tirupati temple Act and Kashi Vishwanath Temple Act state that only Hindus will be on their boards of management.
Dr. Syed Zafar Mahmood
  • This Amendment Act is dangerous.
  • They are attacking the legacy by written appointment.
  • If a non-Muslim wants to contribute to waqf, he can do it.
  • There is no justification for any amendment to the Act. The Act must be totally annulled.
  • They have inserted advertisement in every paper of every language.
  • How did you observe that such and such amendments needed to be made?
  • Did you ever go to any Waqf Board to observe its functioning?
  • Have the Mutawallis been taken into confidence before drafting the Bill?
  • Did you write to any of the stakeholders before drafting the Bill?
  • Statements of all the stakeholders be obtained and sent to the JPC for its discussion and consideration.
  • Questions arising out the Amendment should be made available to the members of parliament, like Mr. Asaduddin Owaisi and Mr. Sanjay Singh for their perusal and as a ready reference.
  • Point-by-point questions be put and readied to answer those questions.
  • They want to have an upper hand of the Centre as well as states in respect of the Waqf.
  • Letters regarding the objections in the Bill have been sent to the chairman and the members of the JPC. Letters have also been sent to several prominent people , including Mr. Najeeb Jung and Mr. Udit Raj. Detailed information relating to the Waqf had been uploaded on the website of the Zakat Foundation of India at
  • This Act is violative of Article 13(2) of the Indian Constitution which states, “The State cannot make laws that take away or limit the rights given by Part III of the Constitution”.
  • Under the provisions of the Amendment Act, two members of the Central Waqf Council will be non-Muslims.
  • It also provides for two non-Muslims members of the state Waqf boards.
  • It has been further provided that a non-Muslim can also be the Chairman of Waqf board.
Prof. Akhtarul Wasey
  • This is a majoritarian approach that is not likely to change. This shows their sheer arrogance.
  • They did not act during the last ten years of their rule. But they woke up all of a sudden at the time of elections. This Bill has been brought to punish a community after their failure to cross 400 mark in the recently held parliamentary elections.
  • Suggested that Mr. K. Rahman Khan, Dr. Syed Zafar Mahmood and the secretary-general of the IOS, Mr. Mohammad Alam should sit together and prepare a questionnaire to be handed over to members of the JPC.
  • The said questionnaire should be given in writing on behalf of the community or organisations. We should avoid making any comment on the points we agree or accept.
  • There should be uniformity in the point of view so as to look like unanimity in the community. Differences within the community on the issue should not come out in the open.
  • There are around 4500 khuddams in the country. Their opinion carries weight with the community. So, they should be roped in. Their opinion will send out a positive message to the powers-that-be.
  • Dewan of Ajmer Sharif is not a hereditary incumbent as he is appointed by the government of India. The so-called Sufi organization is backed by the government and has no locus standi and no influence over the community.
  • JCP has 8 Muslim members. One each is from Rashtirya Lok Dal, Janata Dal (United), Lok Jana Shakti Party and the Telugu Desham Party. They can make our case strong.
  • Suggested that the IOS management should hold talks with the functionaries of Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee. Let us give our voice to other communities also to support our cause.
  • Both community and the government are responsible for the present imbroglio.
  • The entire Bill has been designed with an ulterior motive.
  • They chose the post-election period to punish the community.
  • A 4-member committee be constituted with Mr. Mohammad Alam as its convener, to list suggestions for presenting before the JPC.
  • Their slogan of crossing the 400-mark has turned out to be a fiasco. The slogan backfired.
Mr. Shaikh Nizamuddin 
  • A core group be formed to prepare material for presentation to the JPC.
  • Called for launching a mass movement against the Bill.
  • All India Milli Council is also organizing meetings at its level.
  • All the technical points be put on record.
Prof. M. Afzal Wani
  • The IOS is an academic institution and thus it cannot launch a campaign.
  • We can make a sound documentation and do research work on the subject.
  • Engage lawyers and involve community leaders.
  • Waqf is a religious institution.
  • It should not affect the freedom of conscience.
  • Waqf is dedicated for the pleasure of Allah.
  • The purpose of Waqf is to feed the hungry.
  • Protection in favour of Waqf should always be there.
  • Jurisprudence is developed on the use. This is recognized everywhere.
Prof. Z.M. Khan
  • All the organisations should be collated.
  • Joint efforts should be made so that they could know that the Muslim society is agile.

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