
Islamic Psychology is based on the principles of Islam (i.e., faith, tawheed), Qur’an and Hadith. Islamic practises establish the relationship between God and human beings, and are the right path for the maintenance of health. In medieval period, the Arab culture and Islamic faith were the sources of advances in various sub-fields of Islamic Psychology such as Experimental Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychology of Personality, Positive Psychology, Spiritual Psychology, Psychological testing, Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology. Muslim thinkers and philosophers have paid more attention to the discipline of psychology. A Sufi scholar, Ikhwān al-ṣafā gave the term ilm al-nafsāniyāt (science of the souls).
This conference would highlight the contribution of Muslim Psychologists, Philosophers and scholars of Religious Studies in the field of Islamic-Spiritual Psychology. Quranic concepts, values and religion-based practices helps in the adoption of Islamic way of life. The legacy of Muslim Philosophers and Physicians during the 8th and 15th century was revived in the 20th century by Professor Malik Babiker Badri.
In the past and present century, Indian Muslim psychologists have made significant contribution in the field of Islamic Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. Their publications in the form of books, theoretical and empirical articles in the edited books, national and international journals encouraged Muslim psychologists to tap into the Quranic concepts and Islamic practices. Institute of Objective Studies, Delhi (India) has been instrumental in the development of the field of Islamic Psychology.
Throughout society there is a tremendous amount of violence, uncertainty and fear, a form of organised, flourishing anarchy. Society has become a structure in which there are wars, separate religions and different nationalities, each in conflict with the other. And all over the world man has lost faith; he no longer trusts anybody, neither priests nor politicians, nobody, not even his own parents because the older generation has created such a monstrous society, a world in which there is constant war, insecurity and therefore fear.
With this premise, Islamic Psychology came into prominence for building the peace-loving man. Human nature is placed at the centre of the solution to problems that emerged in and from man. The Almighty has created in every man, the natural disposition to good and positive behaviour. However, man, in his excesses, sometimes misuses his potentials inherent in his nature i.e., Fitrah.
In order to highlight the above-mentioned important issues and to identify different possible ways to resolve them, the Institute of Objective Studies, New Delhi, India is organizing a two-day Online International Conference on the topic “Islamic-Spiritual Psychology in South-East Asia”, in collaboration with International Institute of Islamic Thought (East and South East Asia), International Association of Muslim Psychologists, Indonesia and Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi on 14-15 October 2023.

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October 14-15, 2023
Programme Copy

Registration is FREE, but all delegates should register online through the link given below:
Link for attending the conference via Zoom will be shared in advance to the delegates who have successfully registered.

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