
Expected Important Speakers
1. Professor Abdur Rasjid Skinner, UK
2. Prof. Shamim A Ansari, Aligarh, India
3. Professor Zaatout Ramadane, Algeria
4. Dr Jamal Turki from Tunis (Head of Arab psychologists and psychiatrists Association)
5. Professor Arrasheed Al-Bili, Sudan
6. Dr. Muhammad Al-Irgsoosi, Saudi Arabia
7. Dr. Abdallah Rothman, UK
8. Professor Amber Haque, USA
9. Professor Che Zarrina, UM, Malaysia
10. Dr Hanan Dover, Australia
11. Prof. Taufik Kasturi
12. Prof. Hamidullah Marazi, Srinagar, India
13. Dr. Olga Pavlova, Russia
14. Bagus Riyono, Indonesia
15. Professor S. M. Khan, AMU, India
16. Hanan Dover, Australia
17. Professor Naved Iqbal, JMI, India
18. Paul Kaplick, Germany
19. Rasjid Skinner, UK
20. Prof. Nizar Al-A’ani, Bahrain
21. Dr. Basheer Al-Rashidi, Kuwait
22. Prof. Omar Hasan Kasule

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October 14-15, 2023
Programme Copy

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